Thursday, August 24, 2006

Bad Timing

"Engine, Engine number 9, on the New York transit line...if my train goes off the track...pick it up..pick it up...pick it up!!"
-Black Sheep's "Dres" from "This Or That"

Yesterday's Goal Met?: Whoops. I dropped one of my ice-cream scoops on the floor.

First off...happy birthday to PF Dawn!! You wear it well baby.

Last night, after a spectacular argument in the middle of Times Square (How's THAT for scaring the tourists?) I head to Bryant Park to sit and calm by the fountain....for exactly 12 minutes. Because that's when the bus back to Riverdale would arrive.

I'm rocking an amazing soundtrack in my head, since my iPod is on the blink AGAIN (I still love you Mr. Jobs, but I'm gonna tell all my friends to switch back to PC if you don't get the bugs out of these expensive ass MP3 players Son.). And I'm texting. Furiously.

Ever text so fast you keep effn' up the letters, which does nothing but make you angrier?
Yeah..that's where I was. And after a minute...I just gave up. (If you can't say anything nice...)
And I stared at the water.

Yeah. I need some water.

Jesus turned water to wine.

I need some wine.

I need to go home.

I checked my watch again...six minutes to go.

Head down to the actual stop and pull out my phone and start texting again. Cuz...fuck that.

A dude on the phone with manilla envelopes pulls out a flyer and smiles. He's nice.
He doesn't deserve my 42nd Street bullshit vapors, so I smile back. Damn he looks familiar...

I check it. Black Sheep is trying to make a comeback. They're filming a video on Saturday...CLICK. "Dres...D-R-E-S... yes, guess I can start. If it's alright with you, I'll rip this here joint apart..."

"I remember you. Dres...right?"


Dres goes about his way... and the Bronx Chicken inside me starts cluckin. Who would understand this moment?

So I call PF Shaniqua (known as ESSO)....who starts Bronx cluckin' on the other line. This is great. We're excited. We're 19 again. Native tongue...Tribe, Latifah, De La...

Dres returns and we spark up a convo...and I find it so funny that I'm so...SO not affected anymore. He's just a dude, trying to do his thing. I fully overstand. However, if this shit would have happened when I was 19...

And that's when I think...timing is everything. How you feel about something, or someone...timing has a hell of a lot to do with it.

I could have chose to hold my tongue and not flame-on in the middle of Times Square. Save it for another time. But I wouldn't have meant it then.
I could have chose not to make live adustments to free up more time on the back end, trying to fix the problem at hand.
Hell...I could have chose to do the second half of my workout...

I walked into the gym hours earlier...kicked out one and a half miles, at a 10 minute mile pace. (Hey...since I'm not running long, might as well run hard.)

I checked the clock and I was running out of time. If I did my circuit, I'd be late...disrespecting time...and that's something I'm trying to improve. So I got through 90 crunches and bitched out on the pushups. I can make excuses, but no. I didn't do them. Should have...but didn't.

On the bus ride home...PF ESSO clucked with me and made me feel a hell of a lot better. Sure, I could have called a male friend, but they would have grounded me....but I needed to bitch. I NEEDED a woman from the Bronx on the other line. I need to be fully understood, from the significance of your knees killin' you on the "Engine Engine" part (see above quote) to my Hulk-Like-Bronx-Girl-Inside-The-Bougie transformation.( "I'm a grown ass woman son!")
And MANY giggles. Like girls. When shit was simple. Kna mean son? I'm EARTH. DON'T BE DISREPECTIN' EARTH SON..THAT'S MY WORD.

At home, I finish the two-buck Chuck from Trader Joes. One glass worth.
I need more. I finish the last Heini Light.
I need more. I old pack of Newport Lights.

I light up. I feel better. But worse. Damn it, it was worth it. Trash the rest.

But that was yesterday. No need to beat myself up about it.

This is today. (Insert the cast of RENT singing..."NO DAY BUT TO-DAY....")


Goal: 2.5 Miles
Upper body circuit

Hot beats for today's training montage: So Have I For You - Nikka Costa

Post workout thought: Doing something good for somebody else will ALWAYS...ALWAYS make you feel better. So in a way...a selfless act is actually a selfish one.

But in a good way.

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