Saturday, March 03, 2007

Today...I'm 14.

OK...I'm only going to say this once. Don't send it to me again.
This answers everything. Everything.

Three Things That Scare Me
3.Being the first to say the following: I'm in love with you

Three Inevitabilities That Terrify Me To My Core
1. Becoming a parent...or not.
2. Losing the ability to orgasm.
3. Laying my parents to rest.

Three People Who Make Me Laugh
1. Esso
2. Not Available
3. Yarnell & Big (Sorry...they must be combined for the full effect.)

Three People Who Make Me Feel Like Everything Will Turn Out OK in the End
1. Mom
2. Judes
3. Oprah

Three Things I Love
1. 3 great courses with great company ending with great coffee
2. Any unexpectedly long and fantastic late night phone convo
3. Action movies

Three Things I Heart
1. Fresh soft pretzel nuggets w/ cheese (only available in theaters)
2. The endorphin rush after a workout
3. Spring

Three Guilty Pleasures
1. Sex. (Even when it's bad it's good.)
2. Sex And the City
3. Newports Lights (damn I miss smoking.)

Three Decadent Indulgences
1. Origins Microdermabrasion Scrub
2. Bliss full body massage
3. Those pricey ass chocolates Aaron gets me for my birthday. (April 6. I'm just putting it out there.)

Three Things I Haterade
1. Rent. (The actual bill...not the play or movie. No...those rocked.)
2. Country music.
3. Adult acne.

Three Things I Don't Understand
1. The Caucasian resistance to the cold. (That shit is amazing.)
2. "Early Birds" You WANT to get up at 6AM?
3. Faking orgasms. (Nobody wins people. NOBODY wins.)

Three Things on My Desk
1. A stone that says "patience"
2. Treasure chest
3. A lava lamp

Three [Innocent] Crushes
1. Bradgelina (I don't care your gender or sexuality. SO DO YOU.)
2. Dylon (He's two years old and the cutest thing I've ever seen.)
3. Anderson Cooper

Three People I'd Be Semi-Powerless Against
1. Prince
2. Vanessa & Jayla ( They're twins...they count as one. Three year old cuteness in surround sound)
3. Not Available

Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die
1. Get published
2. Own a house overlooking water somewhere
3. Get a freakin' drivers license dag nabit!!

Three Things I Can Do
1. Sing
2. Cook
3. Make people laugh. Hard.

Three Things You Should Listen To
1. "Music Of The Night" On Babs' "Back To Broadway" album.
2. My advice.
3. What his/her eyes say.

Three Things You Should Never Listen To
1. A man with a hard dick
2. Anyone who tells you how to change another person. They're lying.
3. Lisa Lisa and Cult Jam

Three Things I'd Like to Learn
1. Guitar
2. Organization skills

Three Jobs I'd Love to Try Out
1. Madame of a brothel
2. Lead role in a Broadway musical
3. Movie Critic

Three Favorite Foods
1. Fried chicken. (Shut up.)
2. Macaroni and Cheese (Zip it.)
3. NEW ADDITION: Masterpiece BBQ Beef Jerky. (I promise you...the shit is made with crack.)

Three Favorite Quotes (This is when my mind goes blank, by the way.)
1. "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than exposure." - Helen Keller
2."Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be" - Abraham Lincoln
3. "You don’t have to specialize - do everything that you love and then, at some time, the future will come together for you in some form." - Francis Ford Coppola

Three OnScreen Moments [That Always Make Me Feel Better]
1. "The Color Purple" When Shug Avery busts into the church...tearing apart "God's Trying To Tell You Something", she hugs her father on the pulpit and says "See Daddy? Sinners has soul too.." and waits for him to return the hug...and slowly...he does. Yep. Tears.
2."Purple Rain" When Prince bitches out after singing the title song, runs like a girl to his motorcycle...unchains it...suddenly hears the applause. Wait a second... and he heads back through the crowd, kisses a sobbing Apollonia, heads to the stage...grabs a couple of tambourines...bows...tosses them and launches into "I Would Die For You" and "Baby I'm A Star".
3. "The Lion King" From the start of the opening number "Circle Of Life" the finish and everything inbetween. The birds flying over the river, the fish jumping, the giraffes bowing, Simba getting some weird fruit juice smeared all over his head by Rafiki...who then lovingly cradles the cub, giving a proud look to Mustafah then shoving the baby in the air for all the animals to see. The music swells at the end..and the final verse.."In the circle..the circle of liiiife..." and then WHAM!! The title.

Three Songs I'm Always in the Mood For
1.Prince "Power Fantastic"
2. Faith Evans "Reasons"
3. Stevie Wonder "Rocket Love"

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