Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Crunch Time

"You want fame? Well fame costs. And right here is where you start to pay...with sweat." - (Debbie Allen as) Lydia Grant - Fame

Day Before Yesterday's Goal Met?: Hell yes. And my running outfit stayed on.

You couldn't read that without seeing Debbie in that leotard...walking around the dance studio with that big ass stick...could you? And when we got to the "right here" part of that quote...you actually SAW/HEARD her bang that stick on the ground...twice. Didn't you?

Me too. I saw it as clearly as I saw myself passing that finish-line.

What I don't think I'm ready for, is the emotion-fest that's about to go down on that day. Women...lots of women will be emotional. Anyone who knows me well knows I can't stand to be around a whole bunch of women. My quota is three. (Not including myself.) If there are more than three women around, I will excuse myself and find some men before the Borg assimilates. I'm not sure why, but I've always been that way, which is why you will NOT see me hanging around a gaggle of chicks cooing over lipgloss. It won't happen. I just think more than three women in the same space is just...too fucking much...especially when sometimes I can't even stand my own estrogen. And speaking of which...

I also don't think I paid close attention to the date. Because on the day of the race, there's a good possibility I'll be on...DAY TWO.

Women: DAY TWO goes without saying. You know what it means. Tea,pain-killers, heating pad, LifeTime television, a couch, and the "leave me the fuck alone" force field that even wild animals observe.

Men: If you are still with me after the mere insinuation that DAY TWO might mean what you THINK it means,(it does, not only are you a trooper, but you are prime husband material. You're the kind that slides the Godiva near the couch and backs away slowly...aren't you? Awww..she's so damn lucky.

Now, for the men and the post-menopausal women who are reading this and don't remember (Ma...no laughing), just so you know, there are are small children who wouldn't be able to survive the physical and psychological chaos of DAY TWO.

It's not just about feeling like...(Think Brad Pitt in "Interview With A Vampire" right after Tom Cruise drained him of almost all the blood in his body. Did you see the way Brad was just flappin' around, eyes rolled all back in his head, wishing for death? Now, as a side note, remember when Tom Cruise just sat there and watched Brad, unaffected like "...damn. That's fucked up. Need some help?" Yeah, that's how we see anyone in the room WITHOUT a box of Godiva. And as soon as we get some blood back in our bodies...we are going to try to kill you. So you should just leave...or give up the chocolate.)

With this said, the idea of running on DAY TWO makes me wants to hum "Nobody doesn't like Sara Lee..", dig in to some triple chocolate thing and get my Valerie Bertinelli on. And given my wardrobe malfunctions... OK. I'm not even going to go there.

Let's just say that even though I'm right on track...running 3 Miles all this week...the odds, DAY TWO and Tom Cruise, are definitely against me.


Today's Goal:
3.25 (on treadmill)

Hot Beat For Today's Training Montage: Sexyback - Justin Timberlake (Sorry. But this song is responsible for getting me to this point. He deserves the double mention...)

Oh..and all jokes aside...

R.I.P. Steve Irwin. I really liked that guy.

1 comment:

Nyree said...

You've got to be a special kind of spammer to find this blog. Wow. I'm officially impressed. -Nye