Friday, September 08, 2006

Peeking Behind The Curtain

"I just wanted to call you back and tell you that I can't wait to see you.
You made my day."

-Charles Emory Jr

Yesterday's goal met: Oh yeah.

***I'm going to try to be as sensitive to men as I can in this one...but if you ever feel grossed out...feel free to move to the end.***

I realize that time-management isn't one of my strengths, so I've strived to improve this by drawing a pie-chart of my workday...each slice representing what I should be doing in that hour. Sort of like "Nanny Jo" from Super Nanny..."Nyree..if you don't follow the're going to be put on the "naughty chair". My "naughty chair" is staying at work...way longer than I should. Way longer.

So yesterday, as I held a heating pad to my lower belly...rocking on the floor of my office in fetal position, I knew that my new pie-chart shhhedule was pretty much a wash. Yes...My body is amazing. It produces children, milk for the children, and cleans itself out like clockwork. Well...almost clockwork.

For some odd reason, the clock got set to daylight savings time without my knowing... and had I known what was going to happen, I WOULD NOT have rocked a really light color skirt. (Umm...I sorta fibbed about that chocolate PF Aaron. I would have told the truth, but I didn't want to ruin your lunch.)

So while on the floor, I thought...there's NO WAY. NO WAY I can run today. I can't even walk. How am I going to run...three miles.

...later on...

I'm frazzled. I've got a week's worth of work to push out in two days...and thanks to my forced time-out, I don't have a lot of time left.

"Hey you doing."

"Good Dad...what's up?"

"So...are you still coming?"

Shit. I forgot to give him the flight itinerary. "Yes, I'm sorry...I've just been..."
"Are you OK?"

Wait a fucking second. Didn't I just talk all that shit about "zen" and calming down? All it took was my Dad to ask me if I'm ok....that's all it took for me to remember to...

"Breathe...OK Hon? OK. Love you. I'll see you Tuesday." Wow. Talk about moments of zen.

Later...HOURS later. The pie looks like what happens when you set it in front of a two year old.

I'm REALLY frazzled.

I've bitten off WAY more than I can chew. Gotta learn to say no. I've gotta...OH SNAP...IT'S 6:45!!! And I haven't run. I have to. I have to. I have to.
Just do your best Nye. It's all you can do at this point. Nobody will be mad.

In the gym...after I shocked the shit out of myself by running...4 Miles, my co-worker tells me the story of her battle with "whooping cough".

No lie. Her illness was out of the 19th century. And now, this Sunday...she's doing the Lance Armstrong Ride for life.

I tell her about my run...and she smiles. She then takes her breast cancer bracelet off...and gives it to me. "Think about me, and I'll think about you."


Shout outs...

God/Universe/Higher Power/Jehovah/Allah/Nature.... for giving me some unexpected strength, inspiration, beautiful friends and some kick ass lessons. (And pushing that cycle up FIVE whole days. Whoa.) When I say shout out...SHOUT OUT.

ALL OF YOU... for following my progress, encouraging me and being so damn generous.
I love you all. You know I mean it too. Again...from the bottom of my heart, thank you guys. You're the shit.

..and on Sunday, I run for you as well. And even if I don't finish, I get a real live hug from my daddy on Tuesday. And as any "daddy's little girl" knows, if he says "That's OK Hon. I'm proud of you." let it be written, so let it be done.

..but I'm gonna finish. Beleee-dat.


Tomorrow's goal: Easy 1 mile run. Early. An lots of pasta and sleep.

Hot beat for last leg of training montage: Your favorite song.

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